


The heartbeat of Montreal baseball is back!

As a result of our July 20th trip to Toronto with over 1,000 Expos fans, ExposNation is proud to declare that the heartbeat of baseball in Montreal is back! From July 17 until July 22, ExposNation was covered in both languages, across the continent! Media outlets like ESPN, USA Today, AP, CP, NBC Sports, [...]

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Atkinson added to ExposNation event July 20

ExposNation, a Facebook fan page with over 155,000 Montreal Expos fans, today confirmed the participation of former Expo Bill Atkinson for the July 20th planned presence at the Tampa Bay Rays-Jays game at the Rogers Centre in Toronto.

Bill Atkinson lends his support to ExposNation

ExposNation, a Facebook fan page with over 155,000 Montreal Expos fans, today confirmed the participation of former Expo Bill Atkinson for the July 20th planned presence at the Rays vs Jays game in Toronto. Announced in March, the show of support for pro baseball’s return to Montreal at a Major League Baseball park is estimated to attract over 600 Expos fans to the game.

Raines, Bell among Canadian Hall inductees

La cérémonie d'intronisation des nouveaux membres du Temple de la renommée du baseball canadien a débuté, samedi après-midi, avec l'interprétation des hymnes nationaux canadien et américain.